So far I am still rushing through to get the paperwork filled out for my internship and waiting for my mentor to email back. All this rushing back and forth has literally been making nervous to graduate, is this what adult-ing is like? Have I come to age at the end of nature? The more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me. In the eyes of my family, I came to age at fifteen, a quinceanera; in the eyes of science, I came to age once puberty hit; in the eyes of nature, I’m not sure, especially during the end of it. From the sections read of the book, coming of age means coming to understand our place and relationship with nature/environment, even if it feels like we’re at the end of it. If that’s the case, then I’m still working on coming to age at the end of nature, but I’m on my way there with this internship.
At the Court Community Schools and Foster Care - Humboldt County Office of Ed. they want someone to develop program/materials or research on students in Court & Community Schools programs that typically focus on immediate self/survival issues and perspectives; some of these students struggle in traditional classrooms and temporarily need a supportive, alternative educational program in order to progress academically and socially. Most of these classrooms focus on trauma-informed learning, focusing on how to communicate amongst these students. Trauma-informed learning is one of the only teaching methods available to these students, some of which only have one last opportunity before going to juvie. Some of these students are coming to age at the end of the nature in the way they know it, and the way they see nature is what I want to know. I just want to find a way to show them that their environment shouldn’t stop them from doing great things.
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