Friday, April 29, 2016

Why You Should Vote In 2016: A Pedagogy of Hope

It is true we live in interesting times. From the volatile political sphere emerging out of this years’ presidential election to the threat of climate change fast approaching, we as a people need something to grab onto, and fast. In today’s world we are faced with no greater task than to rise up to the challenge of saving the planet. Saving it from the corruption that has become much of our politics which are motivated by greed and continues to kick many while they are already down. This is a reminder that nothing is apolitical, meaning environmental conditions that affect entire ecosystems are connected to political decisions like a ripple through a pond caused by one drop of dew. The governance affecting all countries and other areas of who gets what, when, and how they get it is essentially rooted in socio-environmental relationships which always involve a winner and a loser. That is why it is so important for Americans to utilize their democratic power to call out those who are winning at the stake of others who are losing. Losing in terms of human rights such as access to clean water, fair wages, unpoisoned ecosystems, and availability of nutritious foods just to name a few. Even with the onslaught of environmental problems we face today including environmental racism, poverty, malnutrition, exploitation, and war there is still beauty to be found. We must look to the victories of the past to remind ourselves that all is not lost and the possibility of a better tomorrow is already here within our reach. It is through the shifting of perspective in which healing occurs.

A quote that encapsulates the rising of American people as we stand side by side as our sisters’ and brothers’ keepers and will not rest until equality and justice is served; “The solidarity to share in others’ suffering, to sacrifice self so that other roses may bloom, to collectively struggle to replace the concrete completely with a rose garden is what I call audacious hope.” As a future educator, Jeff Andrade-Duncans’ essay on critical hope offered insight into the role teachers play in healing their students. By healing I mean “relieve undeserved suffering in communities” as he puts it, which is foundational to my pedagogy of hope. My pedagogy of hope involves self-transcendence. It involves seeing the forest for the metaphorical trees which represent us as individuals and standing together in solidarity. Demanding equality across all races, religions, political parties, genders, ethnicities and every walk of life. Standing up for what is RIGHT even if that means making yourself or others uncomfortable with discussions that need to be had. The old saying about never discussing religion or politics is outdated. These conversations need to be had in order to educate and inform voters and to open up pathways in the mind that have become stagnant through stubborn opposition and narrow-minded thinking. Our time is now. With every move you make dissolve the image of the self and begin to see the bigger picture. This picture includes every last living organism and it starts with you. The timelessness of cliched sayings like “be the change you wish to see in the world” stick because they are essential to making changes and improving lives. Not just for the billionaires or for those privileged enough to live according to the status quo of the global North but better for us all as a whole. We are all in this together and once we realize the power that resides within us nothing can stop the force that is calling for justice.

Vote for hope, vote for truth, and if nothing else vote for your right to exercise forgotten and unheard voices among the crowd. Vote for the ones who have been silenced and downtrodden throughout history and make a stand for goodness that says “enough is enough”. This election will be a pivotal point in history as we collectively work towards a sustainable future full of hope for us all. We have the power to make this change so let us exercise it. Regardless of who wins there is a movement gaining momentum across the country. A movement that transcends political parties and instead calls for justice to be served. It is time. Get registered in your county and educate yourself on the true intentions of the candidates. It is not so hard to hear the heart speak through the voice if you just listen carefully. Get ready, this year’s 2016 presidential election promises to be a big one.

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